Wednesday 10 August 2016

Three Surprising Sources Of Sound Transfer

While much of the sound that transfers from one room, office, or business to the next is manmade sound—or sound that can be turned off and on as you wish, some sounds are automated or somewhat unavoidable. While unavoidable, with the correct acoustic insulation materials you can reduce noise from some surprising sources of sound transfer.

Supply And Return Vents

Your HVAC system is likely automated to keep your home or office at your desired temperature. While you don’t want to do anything to disrupt the airflow or temperature, you may not be pleased with the placement of the vents, and the transfer of noise from one room to the next, or even from one floor to the next. Poor placement of vents can make it seem as though there is no barrier, and no privacy from one room to the next. System

Sometimes the placement of HVAC vents is the problem, but sometimes your ducts carry noise from your fan, air handler, furnace, or AC. By adding an in-line silencer and the appropriate insulation soundproofing, you can eliminate vibration, noisy flow of air, and the transfer of sound—without disrupting airflow or temperature. 

Water Pipes

While average water flow from a sink may not be disruptive, the water flow from a dishwasher, washing machine, or toilet may be disruptive. Even if not disruptive during daytime hours, each can be enough to wake you up at night. Depending on where the sound is most disruptive, you can install a DIY sound insulation board—or you can add soundproofing wraps to your pipes & ducts. 

AcoustiGuard provides the DIY insulation and acoustic soundproofing solutions you require to manage the surprising sources of sound transfer discussed above—and many more!

Monday 8 August 2016

Will You Ever Adjust To The Sounds Of The City?

If you have recently moved to Toronto or any other large city, you might be having a difficult time adjusting to the sounds of the city. It may seem as though everywhere you go and everything you do; all sounds are amplified. Add that to the new sounds you have to adjust to, public transportation, all-hour activities, and the sounds of living in a multi-residency building. 

Give It At Least 3 Weeks

It takes 21 days to make something a habit, so the noise that seems overwhelming when you first move in may not be as apparent after you give it a few weeks. Even residents who live close to major train lines barely notice the sound after a few weeks. For sounds that are still overwhelming after a few weeks, turn to the tips below.
Make A List Of The Sounds That Are Most Disruptive

Start by making a list of the sounds that are the most disruptive. This is often noisy neighbors, vibrating ducts, buzzing appliances, hallway traffic, elevators, foot traffic, cars, and kids and pets playing outside. Note the times of day when the noise is most disruptive, and whether the noise is daily or sporadic.

Start Exploring Your Options In Soundproofing Barriers

There are a variety of soundproofing barriers that you can use to eliminate or greatly reduce the disruptive sounds of the city. Start with simple decorating solutions, such as adding area rugs with thick pads underneath. Strategically place furniture, for example, place your large bookcase or armoire in front of one of the walls where noise is more apparent. Also add enough furniture to each room to help to absorb the sound vibrations—without cluttering the room. Once the simple solutions have been utilized, find the appropriate DIY soundproof solutions. 

AcoustiGuard has a variety of permanent and temporary DIY soundproofing barriers. Find what you need to soundproof walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, pipes, ducts, office areas—and more! 

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Wednesday 3 August 2016

Banish The Nerve-Wracking Noise In Your Home

Due to improved electronics, advanced home sound systems, virtual technology, and multiple gaming apps, there may be a lot more noise in your home compared with a few years ago. There are now multiple DIY soundproofing solutions that can be added to every room in your home, or to the areas where you need to amp up your soundproofing. 

Determine Which Noise Issues Are Most Troublesome

The first place to begin is to determine what sources of sound are the most troublesome. Create a list of the sounds that are the most distracting, and which rooms they are coming from. Also, note if there are times of day when the noise is most apparent. Sometimes a shift in scheduling activities will resolve your most pressing noise issues.
Consider Repurposing Rooms In Your Home

Next, you want to consider repurposing the rooms in your home. For example, if you have a basement or attic, consider turning that into either a quiet oasis, or even a space reserved for loud music, movies, gaming, or play. You could also rethink your bedrooms. For example, if you are a light sleeper and your bedroom is close to the front of the house, you could swap rooms with a sound sleeper whose bedroom is currently near the back of the house.

Install Some DIY Sound Barrier Materials

In addition to the suggestions above, consider investing in some DIY sound barrier materials. You have many options to choose from, starting with basic area rugs and noise reducing window treatments. Also consider, more advanced solutions such as:
  • Soundproofing pipes and ducts
  • Adding a permanent and temporary soundproof flooring
  • Investing in window treatments designed to keep the noise out
If you are having a difficult time finding the peace and quiet you desire, in the comfort of your own home, turn to the tips above to restore peace and quiet. If you are in need of DIY soundproofing barriers, AcoustiGuard has the largest online selection for Canadian home and business owners.

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